The Dome Bergland – first ring of the the world’s biggest meteorite crater – towers over the Vaal River

The Dome Drift is a breathtaking canoe trail winding its way between the ridges of the local Witwatersrand near Parys. This is the Vredefort Dome UNESCO World Heritage Site, one of the wonders of the world. The asteroid impact crater is the largest and best preserved such feature on the Earth’s surface. We paddle through the most spectacular part of the crater: its first ring, or the Dome Bergland.

 What to expect

Although the river is moving, you do have to make an effort – you are paddling your own canoe, or double canoe with a partner. The distance on the first day will be 15-20km. The second day will be shorter, starting later after a relaxed early morning.

Both camping and overnighting in a B&B are available (not on the same trip – we stick together as a group). Ask for a quote. A minimum of 6 adults is needed to make any trip viable.

No experience is required. We provide everything necessary. You can bring your own (approved) canoe/kayak or hire it from us. There are choices on the two-day trip for all meals, self-catered, staying in B&B or camping. Talk to us.

The quaint Venterskroon Inn is one possible stopover on the trip

If you down just want to cruise downriver without any effort, ask about the Dome Float on rafts rowed by guides.

Let the guide do the work on the Dome Float!

If you want wildwater action, book for the Dome Whitewater in summer when the river is big!

Let the river do the work, but hang on to your paddle!

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This amazing river and mountains landscape is only an hour from Johannesburg.

On the Dome Drift (canoeing) we launch below the major rapids and have two days of pleasant paddling ahead of us. There are small riffles and quite a lot of fast water as the Vaal cuts its way between the mountains. Riverbanks are heavily wooded, with monkeys, herons, fish eagles, leguaans and otters to be seen. The fishing is good if you care to cast a fly or dip a hook.

River camping takes place on the islands (with no facilities) or in established campsites along the way.

More about river camping.

Birdlife is prolific all the way. Bring your binocs and camera.

Grey Heron


A full briefing is sent when you book. Tell us your ages, interests, any previous canoeing experience. We have canoes for hire (stable sit-on-top kayaks) but you may bring your own provided we approve it. Sea kayaks are fine; open Indian mohawk canoes will also serve, but not small fishing boats, lilos or rowing boats).

For camping, bring your own lightweight tent, groundmat, sleeping bag and pillow.  We also have these items for hire. We have limited room for some of your kit on guide load kayaks. Everything must be lightweight and foldaway. You may bring a fold-up chair provided it fits.

For B&B overnight, our vehicle will bring your pack to the venue. Only carry the snacks and weather gear you may want for the day.

Want to know more? Inquire here.

A vervet monkey watches our canoes float by

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