This stunningly beautiful route on the middle Orange or !Gariep River takes us along the edge of the world’s first and oldest continent, the KaapVaal Craton. It is marked by towering cliffs on the northern side of the river while to the south the flat karoo spreads to the horizon.
Your expert guide describes the geography of ancient Earth and how the mighty Orange River came to be. Small class 1 & 2 rapids are easy to negotiate and the river level is reliable due to dam releases upstream. The birdlife is astonishing, with thousands of geese flying overhead or floating on the water.
Many schools come to our base at Otters Haunt on the Vaal throughout the year to learn about the Vredefort Dome. To make it interesting and active we hike and raft through the Dome. Teachers come free in a ratio of 1:30 learners. Over the years we have led youngsters from 6 years to teenagers and young adults. Subjects that may be covered include geography, hydrology, ecology, biology, physics, cosmology, history, cultures and adventure sports.
Our popular Boot & Boat day starts with a talk and walkabout, then a hike to view the Dome and a rafting through to experience the beauty and the rapids of the Vaal.
photos: vredefort dome by river
Prepare to be surprised – blown away by what you see and hear. The Vaal River is one of the world’s oldest rivers and it is the only major river to flow through an impact crater: the largest known crater, at that. To float downriver and run the rapids of this magnificent natural watercourse is to experience where the solar system burst onto the surface of the Earth in one ginormous explosion.
The blast is thought to have been the equivalent of 5 trillion nuclear bombs (by some calculations). It left a shattered landscape and a ring of mountains. We take our course from the inner Dome, or core, through the Dome Bergland, or collar, on an adventure that reminds us how small we are and how big the universe really is.
There’s never a dull moment when you raft with The Riverman. We pioneered many of South Africa’s fantastic rafting routes and we designed and developed much of the equipment in use today by all other operators. Our lead guides are professionally trained and legally qualified.
With us you have the choice of several types of boat: 2-seater crocs for the adventurous, 4-8 seater rafts for those wanting a guide onboard, passenger rafts where you can relax and let the skipper do the rowing, and tubes for fun in smaller rapids. Boats are decided on the day according to water levels.